Nurse Recruitment RPA – Shift Portal Automation
ONQU Automation was contacted by a Large Recruitment company that was a preffered supplier to a number of NHS hospitals based in and around London.
The recruitment agency was a Tier 1 preffered supplier for delivering specialist nursing staff such as Theatre and ITU nurses for bank nursing and short term nursing requirements.
The nursing emergency shifts were highly comptitive with limited supply and delivery was based upon a first come first server basis. This meant the time to find a suitable shift for the skilled nurses who were available was of paramount importance and lost placements meant lost revenue.
The Recruitment Use Case for Automation and RPA was to acclerate the identification of when a shift/vacancy came available. The only option for the supplier was to contiually log on manually by inputting secuirty credentials, scrolling through pages of historic shifts and shifts not suitable for the nurses on the suppliers books.
Once found, the new shifts were compared with a condidate list of suitable, avaiable nurses. However, by the time a shift had been matched to a potential nurse candidate another supplier had already taken the shift. No only was this very frustrating it meant that the recruiter was having to log on to the portal at ever increasing unsociable hours such as 2.a.m. which was unsustainable.

Process Review
The first part of the discovery exercise was to run a workshop with Business Owner and Managing Director to map out the shift aquisition process.
This invloved entering credentials, scrolling through suitable shifts and then identifying which candidates could do which shifts based on their availability and skills. This was stored in a seperate system.
Once understood ONQU was able to produce a Process Definition Document that was used as the design for the automation of the process.

Process Automation
Once the target process elements had been identified the next stage of the automation process was to install a UiPath Robot and replicate the various stages of the process and also integrate a check back with the candidate skills and availablity list.
ONQU developed a screen by a screen capture of the process that allowed regular sign on to the portal every half an hour, interrogated the shift list by looking for new shifts and once found automatically assigned suitable candidates with the correct skills to the vacant shift.

RPA Automation Results
To test the new process and understand if the RPA solution had worked ONQU performed a trial run at a very quiet time of the week.
The process ran during a weekend and overnight on a Saturday just a trial run.
First thing on Sunday morning a very excited client phoned to inform us that the trial run had worked amazingly well and generated 4 shift booking automatically.
The process was then fully production hardended and placed on the half hourly schedule of logging in.